Doctor of Acupuncture and Traditional Chinese Herbal Medicine
Dr. Arlo Chinnery
Dr. Joseph Wang of Vital TCM Acupuncture Acupressure Herbal Inc. Edmonton directed Dr Arlo’s initial studies and under his tutelage, Dr Arlo’s interest expanded to include Traditional Chinese Medicine.
He then enrolled in the TCM program at Academy of Classical Oriental Sciences in British Columbia in 2000 where he received his Doctor of Traditional Chinese Medicine diploma in Dec of 2005.
Dr Arlo then completed internships at both the Prestigious Tong Ren Hospital (北京同仁医院) in Bei Jing, China in 2003, under the tutelage of Dr. Tan and Dr. Yang, and at Rocky Mountain Physio in 2004. He has since 2005 continued a mentorship relationship with Dr. Ma of Heng Kang Chinese Herbal Medicine Centre, Calgary and refer patients to him occasionally when the patient would benefit from a more complex combination of Chinese herbs. Dr Arlo is currently a member of the Calgary Chinese Herbal Association.
Dr Arlo Chinnery began his acupuncture practice in Southern Alberta in 2006, moving back to Red Deer, my hometown, in 2010. After working as an independent contractor with Dr Kenneth Wu in his Red Deer clinic for two and one half years, he again opened my own practice just east of the Red Deer Regional Hospital.
He engaged in regular CPD (Continual Professional Development), offer free presentations in the community and provide educational talks to high school classes. Dr Arlo participates in volunteer activities as time permits.
Initial Consultation
During the first treatment patients can expect to spend some time talking with the doctor and establishing a treatment plan. Each treatment plan is individually tailored to each patient’s needs. This appointment will also include any combination of traditional acupuncture, electro acupuncture, gua sha (scraping), and moxabustion.
Follow Up Treatment
In order to book a follow up acupuncture treatment you MUST have done an initial consultation in the past. Once a treatment plan is created you may book in for this treatment. This treatment may include any combination of traditional acupuncture, electro acupuncture, gua sha (scraping), moxabustion, and herbal supplementation recommendation.